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Become a Big Sister

Please complete the following form to become a sister of My Sister's Keeper.  Your information will be shared with members of the organization with efforts to best match you with a Little Sister.



Become a Beacon of Hope: Join as a Big Sister at My Sister's Keeper

-Transform Your Experience into Empowerment

If you are a cancer warrior (survivor/thriver) or a family member who has journeyed alongside a loved one in their battle against cancer, your story is powerful. It's a narrative of resilience, hope, and triumph. At My Sister's Keeper, we invite you to share this strength and wisdom as a Big Sister, offering support and guidance to women who are currently navigating the challenges of cancer treatment.


Why Your Role as a Big Sister Matters

As a Big Sister, you become a pillar of support, a mentor, and an advocate for women who are in the midst of their cancer journey. Your insights and encouragement can make a profound difference in their lives, providing them with a sense of understanding and solidarity that only someone with your experience can offer.


Your Impact as a Big Sister

  • Regular Check-ins: Your weekly conversations with your Little Sister will be a source of comfort and strength, helping them to feel less alone.

  • Guidance and Advocacy: Share your journey, offer practical tips, and be their advocate, helping them navigate the healthcare system and access necessary services.

  • Celebrate Milestones: Be there to recognize and celebrate key moments in their treatment journey, from the start of chemo to the completion of treatment.

  • Feedback and Support: Provide valuable insights to My Sister's Keeper, helping us enhance our support for every member of our community.


Join Us in Making a Difference

Your journey has equipped you with a unique perspective and an empathetic heart. As a Big Sister, you have the opportunity to light the path for someone else, turning your experience into a source of hope and empowerment.


Step Forward as a Big Sister

Embrace this fulfilling role and join a community of strong, compassionate women making a real difference. Your voice, your story, and your support can change lives. Sign up to become a Big Sister with My Sister's Keeper and help us continue to create a supportive network where no woman walks alone.

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